joi, 5 martie 2015


duminică, 23 iunie 2013

 primul interviu  revista 20 ani

joi, 7 ianuarie 2010

informatii lb. engleza

Hello, my name is "Shoby" Draica, I live in Bucharest and bodypiercing has been my occupation since 1999 when I graduated from physician assistants college, giving me the right to work with needles and medical equipment. I took part in several TV shows: Stirile ProTv, Profashion - PRO TV, Viata in direct - B1TV, Oala sub presiune (where I did an ear-piering live), Ne vedem la TVR (pilot edition) - TVR, and had an interview in 20 ani magazine - June 2002

Info: 0722.30.12.15, fax 021-4509264 (between 10.00 - 21.00)
Pain: There is no pain involved due to local anaesthesia, except areas I don't use anaesthesia on: nose, eyebrow, ear.
Session time:
Around 10 seconds after the anaesthesia is working.
Pierces are sterilized in isopropilene alcohol 99.6 degrees.Sterilization of pincers is done before and after every piercing (isopropilene alcohol + dry-heat sterilizer at 200 - 250C). I use disposable single-use needles, sealed and in term and there's also the area disinfection with iodine.
Healing period:
There is no such thing as specific healing period as it varied from one person to another, depending on the specific reaction of the human body and the aftercare according to my advice (without any "overheard" improvising)
You need to come with your own one, as it each person makes the choice according to personal taste.

For additional info, please contact me at 0722.30.12.15.


vineri, 15 mai 2009

informatii lb. romani

Te trais, mirro anav si Mihai "Shoby" Draica, beśav anθ-o Bucuresti thaj kerav bodypiercing anθar o berś 1999, kana agordĭem o colegio vaś i medikaloni asistenca, thaj othar зanav me te kerav buti e suveanca thaj e medikalone instrumentură. Lem kotor butenθar televiziatar emisiunură: Stirile ProTv, Profashion - PRO TV, Viata in direct - B1TV, Oala sub presiune (kaj thovdem jek slag anθo direkto), Ne vedem la TVR (diklăs-amen k-o TVR), thaj dem duma anθar e reviste( liloră) 20 ani - iunie 2002 si Allgemeine Zeitung - noiembrie 2007.
I vuзi:

Kerav buti jekhe suveça numa jekh var, nevo, savo ći naklăs lesqo vaht, dezinfekt o than e iodosa, anglal thaj palal uзarav le pensetea e alkolosa izopropilik 99,6 gradea thaj ćoav len anθ-o sterilizatoro te kiravel pen k-o 200 - 250 C.

E slaga kosoav len e alkolosa izopropilik 99,6 gradea.

I Anestezia
Kerav e thanesqi anestezia,e ksilinasa inзektabilo vi lidokainasa spray depindil e thanesθar (anθar e slaga anθ-o nakh, o kan vi i bov ći kerav anestezia.)

O Vaht e bukăqo:

Depindil e thanesθar kaj thoav i slag - generaloneste 10 secundură palal so i anestezia kerdes pesqi buti

E Thana:

Thoav slaga anθ-o oriso thane korposqo, tha' phenav lenqe anglal – si thana save daśtilpes te na kamel i zlaga.

I Programare:

Kamelpes i programarea te avel kerdi p-o telefono jeke geseça anglal, kaś-te зanav exacto kana uзarav le instrumentură.

E keresqe regulă:

O maj terno kliento te avel lesqe 18 berśa, kana si maj terno trebal te avel e dadeça, e daça

E зene save si mate, drogime na daśtil te avel mirre klientură

Rugiv tumen te na aven maj but trine зenenθar – o than si tikno

O vaht e bukiaqo:

Anθ-o fiesavo dives e kurkesqo, mirri buti malavel ka-o 10 thaj agorděl ka-o18.00.

Kontact 0722301215